indian cinema heritage foundation

Kanoon (1960)

  • LanguageHindi

All India Film Corporation Ltd., take pleasure in presenting once again an outstanding motion picture - B.R. FILMS' production of Producer-Director B.R. CHOPRA'S "KANOON" - guaranteed to hold audiences spell-bound with its brilliant theme and unequalled suspense.
"KANOON" will bring to you a story that will startle, divert and hold audiences fascinated with its thrilling, devastating, never-racking suspense !
"KANOON" will also bring great performances from such star-performers as ASHOK KUMAR, NANDA, JEEVAN, MANMOHAN KRISHNA, SASHIKALA, NANA PALSIKAR, DEWAN SHARAR, JAGDISH RAJ and MEHMOOD etc.
"KANOON" is based on a story by C.J. PAVRI, with dialogue by AKHAR UL IMAN, Photography by M.N. MALHOTRA and a superb background music sore by SALISL CHAUDHARY.

(From the official press booklets)



Films by the same director